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Rosie's Blog

Catching a cluster of catkins dancing

Catching a cluster of catkins dancing in motion in the winter gales is like watching clouds of pollen disperse like yellow smoke. This is...

Blustery Gales & Nodding Daffodils

March heralds a month of blustery gales and nodding daffodils; it is the month where the hours of daylight will equal, then exceed the...

Berry Delicious

As leaves begin to colour up and spiral down, the berries and nuts in our hedgerows and woods fatten and ripen. If you're out foraging...

Heaven Scent

June is one of the best gardening months for scent. The air shimmers with fragrance, each fresh and unfurling bud brims with it and...

April Gardening

April is a wonderful month for gardening. There’s the lush springing of new shoots emerging in the borders, the freshness of dancing...

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